Sunday, January 27, 2008

Game- Island Wars 2

Publisher's description of Island Wars 2

From Oberon Media:
Two South Pacific islands are locked in deadly combat over supreme control of their palm trees. Hop into your biplane and bomb the enemy island while using your cannon to protect yours from invading tree snatchers.

Editor's review of Island Wars 2

You've got to have sand for brains not to enjoy this goofy yet entertaining game. Island Wars 2 echoes the theme of previous versions, with you defending your verdant palm trees against an ever-increasing barrage of attacks and falling bombs. If you survive the air balloons, the airplanes follow; if you dodge this advance, underwater missiles and even nuclear missiles are your next challenge. And although the game is fun the first time through, the lack of options and difficulty quickly render it a bit repetitive. Take on the computer or a friend as combatant, but whatever you do don't turn off the music as the game's quirky tunes add a great dimension to this tropical romp. Graphics aren't state of the art, but more reminiscent of older arcade style games. Although the registered version offers a multitude of gameplay options, the demo disables most of them. We would have liked the game to be a bit harder, at least on the very hard setting. In the end, though, it's quick to download and easy to uninstall, so arcade fans may find Island Wars 2 worth a shot.

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